All Inquiries:

In your inquiry, please include all necessary information related to your type of inquiry such as:

+ Shipping: Order #, Items Ordered, Date Ordered

+ Custom Orders: Clear pictures of the bit you want to have custom made in multiple views to show all aspects of the bit. Please also list measurements (thickness, length of shank, etc.) as well as materials used and size needed. *Note - While we love to make custom bits, we cannot commit to making ALL bit requests for various reasons. Send us what you need and we’ll do our best to try to make it happen.

+ Bit Recommendation Requests: We’re happy to suggest bits that may be a good fit for you and your horse. When submitting this request, please include:
- Reason for the request: What problem are you experiencing with your horse’s current bit set up?
- What bit(s) is your horse currently ridden in?
- What bits have you already tried and which of those bits worked well? Which of those bits did not work well?
- Add any additional information that you feel is relevant. We will reach back out with questions if we need more info to suggest potential bit options.

+ Inventory Availability Inquiry: Full bit name including the side type (D, FC, Pelham, etc.) and size.

+ Feedback & Suggestions: We want to hear from you! Let us know what you love and also what you don’t. We know every person and every horse is different and want to maintain a diverse selection of products that meet all needs.